Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Buy Silver Crash JP Morgan!

All you need to know about why this campaign will work and why it is the only campaign that will work is what the struggle between the powers that be and the rest of us really means.

It is a battle between those of us who work and produce and those that scheme steal and hustle like leaches.

It is a battle of fake money(fiat paper money) versus real money(silver).

The only reason the banksters are winning is because they have tricked us into using their fake money which they can easily manipulate to their benefit. As long as we accept this money we will lose, as soon as we reject this money we will win. It is really that simple folks.

Think about it we are the ones who actually build the roads, fish the waters, produce the goods, work in the stores, and mine the commodities. The kleptocracy that rules this country and world is small in number. Further more many of them have not done an honest days work in their life. They are like a spoiled child who has convinced its parents to give them everything and let them avoid their chores.

We create and provide all their services and goods provide all their security. We even provide the innovation, intelligence and technology(how well is the average scientist paid compared to a top notch banker?). The kleptocrats, powers that be, elites what ever you want to call them would not survive without us. They know this but many of us do not know this yet. We need to reject their fake money and adopt the peoples money, silver, that way they cannot manipulate our wealth away from us.

The same reason why this campaign has to work is also the reason why it will  work. As I said above the kleptocracy is limited in number. They also lack a skill set, all they know is hustling and stealing. They have no idea how to labor, create and innovate. As we each buy more and more silver we will start a chain reaction that will legitimize silver and show paper fiat money for what it really is a phony creation of a lazy scheming child like “ruling class”.

Soon enough we will be able to move beyond just buying up silver. As it becomes more accepted, as the price rises against the dollar, and as more working people take possession of it we will begin to use it 
in our transactions with each other. Once that happens the end will be near for the kleptocrats.

So buy an once of silver a week. Take it out of your beer money or cigarette money or whatever your vice might be. If you can buy more buy more. If you cant afford that do it every other week. Every bit will move us forward. When we win it will mean that you will finally be justly rewarded for your labor and sweat. An honest days work will finally bring a high quality of life, and we will finally reach the full promise and potential of this great country.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Hyperbolic Rhetoric of Rhetoric

Irony of those who push war and the assasination of Julian Assange telling us to calm down the rhetoric and crying foul over statements made by their political opponents.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Some Questions About Bank of America's Fingerprinting Policy

Have the tellers gone to a class to be taught how to properly finger print?
If you are not a customer of Bank of America's what obligation if any do they have to protect your information?
How is it legal for them to compel you give up an asset(your fingerprint is biometric info possible asset to data miners) in exchange for cashing out a legal debt their client owes to you?
How many check fraudsters did it actually stop?
Do they have a policy in place to deal with the leak of prints?
Who will they share the fingerprints with and under what circumstances?
Will they under any circumstances sell these prints or share them with groups other than police?

Let me know  if you have any questions as I will be speaking to a Bank of America Representative about this soon. Below are a few stories about the program.

Thumbs Down! Rule Draws Local Man's Ire
Bank of America Demands Fingerprint from Armless Man
Bank of America's Cache of Fingerprints

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mass Ruling Denies Wells Fargo, US Bank Fraudclosure.

First off a warning for anyone easily prone to headaches do not read the court case from this link. I will have a summary of it tommorow. This ruling from the Massachusetts Supreme Court is gonna create one big mess of lawsuits and probably make foreclosures very difficult going forward.

Basically the ruling says the banks could not prove ownership of the two mortgages they foreclosed on. The ruling shows how in the case of U.S. Bank the mortgage went through six different hands before finally being securitized with 1200 other mortgages. While the banks produced a ton of paper work none of it proves they own the mortgage per the Judge.

Full Mass Supreme Court Case

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wow Bank of America Really is Done For

Homeowner Wins Small Claims Suit Against Bank of America

Summary: This can't be a good sign for bank of america when they are losing in small claims court to homeowners. Basically BOA solicited this guy to go into the Home Affordable Mortgage Program (I sense a pattern here with HAMP and BOA, RICO anyone?) by Bank of America. He applied and then made reducded payments per BOA officials for the next three years all of them on time. BOA was supposed to get back to the homeownere in 3 months instead they took 3 years and then said he owed the difference of the reducded and regular payment immediately or would face foreclosure.

The homeowner decided to sue for that difference saying he had been strung along. The court agreed and he was granted, $7,595. Let see if BOA appeals.

Getting Away From The God Model

Let me start by saying this journal entry is not specifically about God, my belief in God, or the exsistance in God. It is primarily about the utility of morality.

Over the past two weeks I have been embracing technology. I finally turned in my old flip phone and got a smart phone, I opened a gmail account and I am attempting to digitize all my papers. My new smart phone and all its apps have got me thinking about technology and how it effects us all.

We all know about the benefits of technology and the love that many have for it, we also know about the disdain many have for it and some of its pitfalls. That being said technology itself is an advancement of knowledge and in and of itself is neither good nor evil.

It has however been noted quite extensively that we are living in an age of immorality and many believe that technology is at least in part to blame.

So lets run with this and assume it is true. Technological advances have caused us to be less moral. Why is this? I believe it has to do with the fact that we have looked to God as the sole reason for living moral lives. God decrees we do such and such things because they are moral and he created us and if we do them we go to heaven.

The problem however is that as techonology evolves we, or at least the combination of "we" and technology have become more God like. Things that would have been unimaginable even ten years ago are now possible. Things that were once designated as super natural now are possible and easily explained by science. This in turn causes us to question how unique God's omnipotence really is. We have machines that can read minds(admittedly in a very crude manner), time travel seems more and more possible, massive transmissions of information are made across continents in fractions of seconds.

If we can do all the things that God can do then what makes him so special, and furthermore why should we follow his antiquated morals. This argument may seem a little weak agains the big sins of murder and theft but more and more it resonates with people when it comes to lying and infidelity. They are questioning why they should follow these rules of a God that suddenly does not seem so powerful in contrast with our own abilities.

This is creating a very big problem. Morals are in fact necessary for more than just getting to heaven. Religion was largely created to control populations and create civilized socities, without morals things dont get done mistrust is widespread. It is very difficult to make long term plans when you cant trust your fellow man.

We need to look beyond the God model of morality. We need to find different justifications for good morals in our society.  brb

Sunday, January 2, 2011

So being that it is Sunday there is not much to add here; the banks are closed and there is not any new news today about Bank of America. With that being said I wanted to make a conscious effort to update this blog and to keep you all in tune with my progress.

After a lovely and very filling dinner at the Cheesecake Factory with my gf, sister and brother and law I decided to do some work on my new smart phone. I have been very hesitant to get a smart phone for various reasons, the two biggest being cost and privacy.

I certainly solved the cost issue with my phone which was slightly over a $100 without a contract. As far as privacy I went with Metro PCS which has no contract billing, and gave a false name.

Why do I bring all this up? Well when I got back from dinner I decided to "root" my phone, which for the uninitiated basically means I set it up so I would have administrative control over the phone and be able to switch up the factory settings so i could do some cool new things. My hope is that the task managers and organization tools on my new smart phone will help me in this project.

One of the things I can do with my phone now that it is "rooted" is use my phone as a wifi router, now granted its slow as hell (metro PCS) but it works and if your just visiting basic sites its certainly something you can deal with. Two advantages to this; first wifi anywhere I get cell cover, and second anonymous surfing since I left a false name for my phone account.

Now back to closing my Bank of America account for a minute. Obviously I need a bank, I have bills and rent payments and hell check cashing is expensive and running out to get money orders all the time becomes a pain in the ass. My first thought was to go to the "move your money" website. This was a site founded about two years ago in response to the bank bailouts, there was a big push on Huffington Post about it. The information was limited, and the site was idealistic but not very informed.

I also had an issue with some of the sites it linked to like "Find a Better Bank" after one of the searches I did the results were Bank of America, Citizens, and Citi! I look tomorrow for a better info in the same vein.

Despite that obvious flaw it did provide some promising results when searched in a different manner. I have a few potential banks I plan on visiting tomorrow one is called the Cooperative Bank. It is a small local bank with only five locations four of which are within my immediate vicinity. Despite it size it offers a lot of features including online banking (which I don't currently use but am considering in the hopes of becoming more organized).

Now I am aware of the problems with the "move your money" campaign. One being that most of the small banks are reliant on the big banks for direct lending meaning they profit even when you switch out of  your big bank into a small local bank, but I also think the symbolic movement of pulling your deposit out of a bank and no longer allowing them to count you as a client can be a strong and meaningful one.

Unfortunately I have to cut this post short unexpectedly. Good Night until tomorrow.